the citrus cosmos
hello there!
it's so good to see you here. this website is little more than an indulgence in yet another intriguing hobby
i've decided to dip my toes in. i am by no means a programmer; this website is my first foray into anything beyond a simple
c++ code that determines if a given number is even or odd. that said, i've recently found myself falling in love with
the existence of small internet and the resurgence of personal websites and carving a space for yourself into the webspace.
as someone who is growing increasingly averse to the destructive landscape of nearly all social media sites, i've begun
seeking alternatives. neocities, and the personal web as a whole, provided that alternative to me, and i've loved it
immensely. seeing all the different ways other users have customised their sites has inspired me so much, that i've
decided to give it a shot myself.
i don't really do interesting things often enough to give updates on them , so i can't really call this a blog, but i hope
to make it a depository of anything and everything i think is worth sharing, like a commonplace book of sorts.
thank you for visting! i hope you enjoy your stay within the cosmos ♡